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InnerAlchemist - Counseling Hypnotherapy Sound Healing



Sound Healing


Integrative counseling focuses on you getting to know yourself and accessing your own healing abilities. As everyone is unique, you will be guided in your own tailored process and discover insights and solutions. While taking into account past experiences, the focus is on the future and change.


Discover and reconnect to your inner strength. Find your way in removing blocks and work on themes such as stress, insecurity, doubt, setting boundaries and self love. Connecting to and trusting your intuition and bringing this into action towards your goals. 

Hypnotherapy activates your subconscious self-healing abilities to help you process and heal your internal processes. 


With Hypnotherapy you will be guided in a trance state, in which you can turn your attention inward to find and utilise natural resources within yourself. This can help you make changes and regain control in certain areas of your life. 


Sound and vibration has the ability to heal and transform, as they help to experience relaxation and release and connect to your body and emotions. Each session is tuned into the moment and unique.​


Various instruments such as Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gong, drums and voice are combined into a relaxing and transformative experience.

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"I was actually able to connect with a deeper part of myself.. Wei Ting holds up a mirror by asking direct questions and reflecting back what you actually said so you can have a more in depth view of what you actually say, think and believe. Diving deeper with a guided meditation into your subconscious, things really start to shift. I was able to find deeper rooted feelings and able to release them by visualising the actual action of me doing so. I feel this is an effective way of overcoming your roadblocks in just a few sessions with someone that truly cares and listens. I will definitely reach out again if I feel the need to do some inner work. Thank you Wei Ting."
​- JS -

"Al lange tijd wilde ik een keer met iets of iemand praten, maar ik wist nooit hoe, wie, wat en wanneer. Wei Ting kwam via via op mijn pad en ik had geen prettigere, laagdrempeligere en leerzamere kennismaking kunnen wensen met counseling. Wei Ting weet je met de juiste vervolgvragen in de richting van (diepere) inzichten te begeleiden. Bij mij leidde deze gespreksvorm samen met meditaties tot heling. Ik kwam mijzelf met haar hulp tegen en het lukte mij, wederom met haar hulp, tot oplossingen te komen voor situaties waar ik al langer meezat- dit ‘zelf doen’ is heel nuttig. De gesprekken hebben mij voor nu geholpen en daarnaast doen inzien dat het gek is om alleen aan je gezondheid te werken door te sporten en gezond te eten; aandacht voor self ofwel mental care door af en toe met haar of iemand anders zijn even belangrijk! Ik kom zeker terug!"
- FW -

"Because of the sessions I realized my real problem from the superficial concerns and how to listen to my heart and will, and become more confident about my own decisions. Wei Ting is really helpful on coaching me to listen to myself, and guided me to think deeper about myself."

- ZT -

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